a person works in a lab

Labs and Facilities

Additive Construction Lab

Additive Construction Lab (AddConLab) is a multi-disciplinary effort between the College of Arts and Architecture and the College of Engineering, housed in the Civil Infrastructure Testing and Evaluation Laboratory (CITEL). Our mission is to explore large-scale additive construction and fabrication aware design processes.

Key Faculty: José Pinto Duarte

Advanced Composites & Engineered Materials Group (ACEMG)

Our long-term research goal is to enable bulk application of novel multi-scale engineered materials in next-generation structures, devices, and systems in extreme environments including the space.

Key Faculty: Namiko Yamamoto

Advancing Manufacturing and Applications through Measurement Science

Our group focuses on advanced measurements and well-defined materials to provide fundamental insights into how to improve processing and properties of materials, in particular for advancing manufacturing of plastics.

Key Faculty: Bryan Vogt

Antenna and Radiocommunication Laboratory

Innovative engineering of antennas, circuits, and beamforming systems through expertise in applied electromagnetics, biologically-inspired engineering, materials science, and autonomous systems.

Key Faculty: Gregory Huff

Argüelles Research Group

Our group focuses on the nondestructive characterization of materials obtained through advanced processing methods using a mix of experimental ultrasonic testing and wave propagation modeling.

Key Faculty: Andrea Argüelles

Basak Laboratory

We research materials and manufacturing methods to understand their coupled effects on properties.

Key Faculty: Amrita Basak

Bio-Soft Materials Laboratory (B-SMaL)

We engineer granular hydrogels made up of microscale building blocks for the 3D printing of in vitro tissue and disease models and in vivo tissue regeneration.

Key Faculty: Amir Sheikhi

Center for Innovative Materials Processing through Direct Digital Deposition (CIMP-3D)

CIMP-3D provides world-class capabilities and facilities to Penn State researchers in additive manufacturing technology to benefit our broad range of government and industrial sponsors.

Key Faculty: Ted Reutzel, Allison Beese, Guha Manogharan

Cheng Research Group

Our lab focuses on soft and dissolvable multimodality sensors for biomedicine, which links materials, engineering with the life sciences, and biomedicine.

Key Faculty: Larry Cheng

High Pressure Combustion Laboratory
Cryogenic Combustion Laboratory

The CRL, HPCL, and CCL conduct research in fundamental and applied combustion, energetic materials, propulsion, and nanotechnology.

Key Faculty: Richard Yetter

Complex Systems Monitoring, Modeling and Control Laboratory

Sensor-based modeling and analysis of complex systems for process monitoring/control, system diagnostics/prognostics, quality improvement, and performance optimization.

Key Faculty: Hui Yang

Convergence Center for Living Multifunctional Material Systems

The Convergence Center for Living Multifunctional Material Systems (LiMC2) is a research partnership between Penn State and the University of Freiburg, focused on materials discovery. In particular, the research focuses on designing sustainable materials that are biological or inspired by biological principles.

Key Faculty: Zoubeida Ounaies

Engineering Design Optimization Group Lab

The EDOG lab focuses on design optimization and related work, including design for additive manufacturing (DfAM), topology optimization, adaptive structures, compliant mechanisms, and medical devices.

Key Faculty: Mary Frecker

Experimental and Computational Convection Laboratory

The Experimental and Computational Convection Lab focuses on studies of convective heat transfer and aerodynamics for aerospace applications, particularly turbine cooling and additive heat exchangers.

Key Faculty: Stephen Lynch

ForMat (Form and Matter) Lab

ForMat Lab is a design and research lab located within the Stuckeman Center for Design Computing, exploring the relationships between matter and form mediated through the use of digital technologies.

Key Faculty: Benay Gürsoy Toykoç

Georgakopoulos-Soares Lab

The Georgakopoulos-Soares Lab uses computational approaches across basic science research problems and in translational medicine, including computational biology, engineering, and medical applications.

Key Faculty: Ilias Georgakopoulos-Soares

Lear Laboratory

In the Lear Laboratory, we use the photothermal effect of nanoparticles to provide on-demand curing of thermally cured thermosets — a process that enables direct printing of such materials.

Key Faculty: Benjamin Lear

Made By Design Lab

Our mission is to encourage informed and inspired engineering design using AM technology. We do this by leveraging advances in the realms of design complexity, design guidelines, and design thinking.

Key Faculty: Nicholas Meisel

Manufacturing Processes and Machines Lab

This lab group focuses on the fundamental science, modeling, and development of manufacturing processes and machines.

Key Faculty: Ed De Meter

Metals, Ceramics and Coatings Processing (MCCP) Department

The MCCP focuses on a variety of materials processing, synthesis, and manufacturing capabilities, including PVD coating processes, field-assisted sintering, cold spray, and additive manufacturing.

Key Faculty: Douglas Wolfe

Modeling of Welding and 3D printing

We work on metallurgy, mechanistic modeling, and machine learning. Using models of heat transfer, and fluid flow, we simulate solidification, grain structure, microstructure, defects, and stresses.

Key Faculty: Tarasankar DebRoy

Multiscale Mechanics of Materials Lab

The Beese group researches the mechanical behavior of materials, and, in particular, how the mechanical behavior of a material is dictated by its microstructure. The group uses a suite of experimental techniques to characterize the microstructure of a material and measure its multiaxial plasticity and fracture behavior. The group also develops computational models, over multiple length scales, to further understand the links between microstructure and mechanical behavior of these materials, eventually defining predictive plasticity and fracture models.

Key Faculty: Allison Beese

Ozbolat Lab

Ozbolat Lab at Penn State focuses on establishing cutting-edge bioprinting science and technology for engineering various different tissues.

Key Faculty: Ibrahim Ozbolat

Penn State Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship (HESE) Program

HESE is an integrated learning/research/entrepreneurship program focused on the rigorous research, design, field-testing, and launch of technology-based enterprises in low- and middle-income countries.

Key Faculty: John Gershenson

Penn State Ultrasonics Lab (PennSUL)

PennSUL is comprised of faculty in engineering science and mechanics, post-docs, graduate students, and undergraduates. PennSUL is dedicated to uncovering new and exciting uses for ultrasonic waves including nondestructive ways to measure grain size, detect/locate material impurities, and measuring elastic properties.

Key Faculty: Cliff Lissenden, Christopher Kube, Parisa Shokouhi

Phases Research Lab

Phases Research Lab works on properties of phases including phase stability, phase transformation, and phase properties through first-principles calculations and thermodynamic modeling.

Key Faculty: Zi-Kui Liu

Polymer Membranes for Environment, Energy, and Health

We study the relationship between polymer chemistry, processing, structure, and transport properties for separation science. Specifically, we explore the influence of polymer’s chemical and physical structures on transport properties such as sorption, diffusion, and permeation of small molecules in polymers and polymer-based materials. These fundamental studies are critical for membranes for liquid, gas and vapor separations, energy storage, selective removal of unwanted molecules from various chemical streams, biomedical devices, controlled drug delivery, and barrier materials for food and packaging.

Key Faculty: Hee Jeung Oh

Process Physics, Analytics and Engineering

We develop advanced processes, materials, components, and systems using additive manufacturing techniques. We also do material characterization, mechanical testing and corrosion analysis.

Key Faculty: Mala Sharma 

Reinhart Research Group

We use machine learning and physics-based simulations to understand and design next-generation materials and manufacturing processes.

Key Faculty: Wesley Reinhart

Sinnott Research Group

We investigate materials at the atomic scale using a combination of first principles, electronic structure calculations, and classical simulations using many-body, reactive potentials.

Key Faculty: Susan Sinnott

Steady Thermal Aero Research Turbine (START) Lab

START focuses on innovating turbine cooling, developing instrumentation, advancing additive manufacturing, and integrating sensors into additively manufactured turbine components.

Key Faculty: Reid Berdanier

Technology and Human Research in Engineering Design (THRED) Lab

The THRED Group is comprised of an interdisciplinary group of researchers who are exploring people, products, and processes and the interactions between each of them.

Key Faculty: Jessica Menold

The Mechanism Collective

The Penn State Mechanism Collective is focused on developing the theories and tools that enable compliant mechanism design, including origami-based, space, deployable, and medical devices.

Key Faculty: Jared Butler

The SHAPE Lab (Systems for Hybrid-Additive Process Engineering)

Dr. Manogharan’s lab focuses on advancing additive manufacturing: design, material development, and biomedical applications. Additional areas of research include 3D sand printing and hybrid AM.

Key Faculty: Guha Manogharan


Investigates the interaction and degradation/wear and lubricity of materials, coatings, and surfaces under various forms of relative motion.

Key Faculty: Albert Segall

Tri-Structures Research Laboratory

Research in the Tri-Structures Laboratory (microstructures, mechanical structures, and data structures) focuses on developing new methods for quantifying and understanding material deformation.

Key Faculty: Darren Pagan

van Duin Group

The van Duin Group develops and applies reactive force field simulation methods, which enable  large scale (10,000 atoms), long-time (10 nanosecs) fully reactive simulations on complex materials.

Key Faculty: Adri van Duin

Zarzar Lab - Dynamics Microscale Materials

We study reconfigurable soft matter and direct laser writing of nano/microscale materials.

Key Faculty: Lauren Zarzar



Penn State’s master of science, master of engineering, and graduate certificate in additive manufacturing and design programs offer students and working engineers a unique opportunity to become technically outstanding experts in additive manufacturing in residence at University Park or online via Penn State World Campus.

Additive Manufacturing and Design Graduate Programs

The Pennsylvania State University

The 230 Building, Innovation Park

University Park, PA 16802