
Andrea Argüelles
Assistant Professor
Email: arguelles@psu.edu
Webpage: sites.psu.edu/ultrasonics
Instructor: AMD 597 Non-destructive Evaluation for Additive Manufacturing
Research Interests: materials characterization, ultrasonic wave propagation, nondestructive testing

Saurabh Basu
Assistant Professor
Email: sxb514@psu.edu
Webpage: ime.psu.edu/department/directory-detail-g.aspx?q=sxb514
Research Interests: advanced manufacturing, mechanics, behavior of materials, additive manufacturing

Catherine Berdanier
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Email: cgb9@psu.edu
Webpage: sites.psu.edu/cberdanier
Research Interests: engineering education; engineering design; DfAM

Reid Berdanier
Assistant Research Professor
Email: rberdanier@psu.edu
Webpage: sites.psu.edu/rberdanier
Research Interests: instrumentation development for turbomachinery, experimental turbine and compressor aerodynamics, turbine heat transfer, compressor aeromechanics

Sven Bilén
Director of the Doctor of Engineering in Engineering Program Professor
Email: sbilen@psu.edu
Webpage: sedtapp.psu.edu/~sbilen
Research Interests: concrete printing, electrical characterization, printed microwave circuits, 3d printing for space applications

Jared Butler
Assistant Professor
Email: butler@psu.edu
Webpage: sites.psu.edu/mechanismcollective
Research Interests: compliant mechanisms, origami-based mechanisms, medical devices, space mechanisms

Daniel Cahoy
Email: drc13@psu.edu
Webpage: directory.smeal.psu.edu/drc13
Instructor: AMD 500 Legal Issues with Additive Manufacturing
Research Interests: patents, intellectual property, sustainability, entrepreneurship

Long-Qing Chen
Donald W. Hamer Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Email: lqc3@psu.edu
Webpage: https://www.mri.psu.edu/faculty/welcome-chen-research-group-featured-works
Research Interests: computational materials science, phase-field method, phase transformations, microstructure evolution

Larry Cheng
Dorothy Quiggle Assistant Professor
Email: huanyu.cheng@psu.edu
Webpage: sites.psu.edu/chenggroup
Research Interests: deformable multimodality sensors; stretchable electronics; transient sensors; advanced manufacturing

Tarasankar DebRoy
Email: rtd1@psu.edu
Webpage: modeling.matse.psu.edu
Research Interests: mechanistic modeling; machine learning; 3d printing, welding

Edward De Meter
Email: ecd3@psu.edu
Webpage: ime.psu.edu/department/directory-detail-g.aspx?q=ECD3
Research Interests: manufacturing processes and machines

José Pinto Duarte
Professor of Architecture and Landscape Architecture; Affiliate Professor of Architectural Engineering; and Engineering Design Chair in Design Innovation; Director, Stuckeman Center for Design Computing
Email: jxp400@psu.edu
Webpage: sites.psu.edu/addconlab and arts.psu.edu/faculty/jose-pinto-duarte
Research Interests: concrete printing, functionally graded materials, design for AM, AM at Construction scale

Timothy Eden
Head of the Material Science Division
Email: tje1@arl.psu.edu
Webpage: https://www.arl.psu.edu/offices/mmo/
Research Interests: material science, cold spray
Ilias Georgakopoulos-Soares
Assistant Professor
Email: izg5139@psu.edu
Webpage: sites.psu.edu/georgakopoulossoares
Research Interests: bioinformatics, bioengineering, biomarkers, cancer, genomics

John Gershenson
Director, Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship Program
Email: jzg322@psu.edu
Webpage: hese.psu.edu
Research Interests: global development, appropriate design, social entrepreneurship, humanitarian engineering

Reginald Hamilton
Associate Professor
Email: rfhamilton@psu.edu
Webpage: esm.psu.edu/department/directory-detail-g.aspx?q=RFH13
Research Interests: shape memory materials, constitutive behavior, experimental mechanics

Terry Harrison
Earl P. Strong Professor of Business and Professor of Supply Chain and Information Systems
Email: tharrison@psu.edu
Webpage: directory.smeal.psu.edu/hbx
Research Interests: supply chain impacts of AM

Gregory Huff
Associate Professor
Email: ghuff@psu.edu
Webpage: hrg-lab.github.io/Huff-Research-Group
Research Interests: antennas, applied electromagnetics, additive manufacturing

Jay Keist
Assistant Research Professor
Email: jsk25@arl.psu.edu
Webpage: www.cimp-3d.org
Research Interests: characterization, functionally graded materials, additive manufacturing

Christopher Kube
Assistant Professor
Email: kube@psu.edu
Webpage: chriskube.com
Research Interests: nondestructive characterization, nondestructive evaluation, ultrasonics, structure-property relationships, elastodynamics

Robert Kunz
Email: rfk102@psu.edu
Webpage: aero.psu.edu/department/directory-detail-g.aspx?q=RFK102
Research Interests: CFD, turbulence, multi-phase flow, rough wall boundary layers

Benjamin Lear
Associate Professor
Email: bul14@psu.edu
Webpage: bul1457.wixsite.com/learlab
Research Interests: polymers; nanoparticles; light-to-heat conversion

Jingjing Li
Associate Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Email: jul572@psu.edu
Webpage: sites.psu.edu/jingjingli
Research Interests: materials processing and characterization, mechanical behavior and failure analysis, effect of microstructure on macroscopic properties

Clifford Lissenden
Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics
Email: lissenden@psu.edu
Webpage: sites.psu.edu/ultrasonics
Research Interests: laser ultrasonics, nondestructive evaluation, ultrasonic guided waves, process monitoring

Zi-Kui Liu
Dorothy Pate Enright Professor
Email: zxl15@psu.edu
Webpage: phases.psu.edu
Research Interests: computational materials design; thermodynamics, additive manufacturing

Stephen Lynch
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Email: spl11@psu.edu
Webpage: me.psu.edu/psuturbine
Research Interests: heat exchangers, metal additive manufacturing, gas turbine cooling
Guha Manogharan
Emmert H. Bashore Faculty Development Assistant Professor
Email: gum53@psu.edu
Webpage: sites.psu.edu/shapelab
Instructor: ME 566 Metal Additive Manufacturing Laboratory
Research Interests: AM metamaterials, binder-jetting, hybrid AM, biomedical applications and metal AM

Jessica Menold
Associate Professor
Email: jdm5407@psu.edu
Webpage: thred.group
Research Interests: design theory, prototyping, manufacturing

Hee Jeung Oh
Assistant Professor
Email: hjoh@psu.edu
Webpage: www.theohlab.com
Research Interests: polymers, membrane science, separations, bioseparations

Zoubeida Ounaies
Professor and Director of LiMC2
Email: zxo100@psu.edu
Webpage: me.psu.edu/department/directory-detail-g.aspx?q=zxo100
Research Interests: responsive polymers; polymer composites; energy harvesting and conversion

Ibrahim Ozbolat
Associate Professor
Email: ito1@psu.edu
Webpage: sites.esm.psu.edu/~ito1/
Instructor: ESC 518 Bioprinting
Research Interests: bioprinting, tissue engineering, biofabrication, additive manufacturing

Darren Pagan
Assistant Professor
Email: dcp5303@psu.edu
Webpage: matse.psu.edu/directory/pagan-darren
Research Interests: engineering alloys, x-ray characterization, mechanical testing, machine learning

Todd Palmer
Email: tap103@psu.edu
Instructor: ESC 546 Advanced Metallic Material Feedstocks for Additive Manufacturing
Research Interests: characterization of metallic powder feedstocks for additive manufacturing; role of interstitial gas additions; nucleation and growth of austenite; effects of post-process heat treatments on the precipitation of complex phase

Vittal Prabhu
Email: vittal.prabhu@psu.edu
Webpage: ime.psu.edu/department/directory-detail-g.aspx?q=VXP7
Research Interests: modeling, control, and sensing

Wesley Reinhart
Assistant Professor
Email: reinhart@psu.edu
Webpage: sites.psu.edu/reinhartgroup/
Research Interests: machine learning, simulation, data-driven design

Albert Segall
Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics
Email: aesegall@psu.edu
Webpage: esm.psu.edu/department/directory-detail-g.aspx?q=AXS18
Research Interests: thermal shock, inverse methods, tribology
Mala Sharma
Associate Research Professor
Email: mxs232@arl.psu.edu
Webpage: cimp3d.org and arl.psu.edu/offices/mmo
Research Interests: additive manufacturing, cold spray, materials processing and characterization, corrosion

Amir Sheikhi
Assistant Professor
Email: sheikhi@psu.edu
Webpage: www.sheikhilab.com
Research Interests: biotechnology and synthetic biology; energy and environment; interfaces and surfaces; materials and nanotechnology; separations and transport

Parisa Shokouhi
Assistant Professor
Email: pxs990@psu.edu
Webpage: sites.psu.edu/ultrasonics/pshokouhi
Research Interests: ultrasonics, nondestructive evaluation, monitoring, machine learning

Elizabeth Sikora
Associate Teaching Professor
Email: exs36@psu.edu
Research Interests: corrosion, electrochemical techniques, corrosion protection

Judith Todd Copley
Email: jtodd@psu.edu
Research Interests: laser-materials interactions

Benay Gürsoy Toykoç
Assistant Professor of Architecture
Email: bug61@psu.edu
Webpage: arts.psu.edu/faculty/benay-gursoy-toykoc
Research Interests: digital fabrication, computational making, material computation, biofabrication, mycelium-based materials

Adri van Duin
Distinguished Professor
Email: acv13@psu.edu
Webpage: engr.psu.edu/adri/home.aspx
Research Interests: ReaxFF, molecular dynamics, interface chemistry

Bryan Vogt
Email: bdv5051@psu.edu
Webpage: sites.psu.edu/vogt
Research Interests: plastics, sustainable processing, metrology

Robert Voigt
Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Email: rcv2@psu.edu
Webpage: ime.psu.edu/department/directory-detail-g.aspx?q=RCV2
Research Interests: metal casting; physical metallurgy; 3d sand printing

William Walters
Assistant Professor
Email: wjw24@psu.edu
Webpage: sites.psu.edu/wwalters
Research Interests: nuclear power, nuclear science

Qian Wang
Email: quw6@psu.edu
Webpage: me.psu.edu/qwang
Research Interests: modeling and control, LPBF, DED, large format DED

Douglas Wolfe
Email: dew125@arl.psu.edu
Webpage: arl.psu.edu
Research Interests: ceramic, coating, additive manufacturing, refractory metal alloys

Namiko Yamamoto
Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Email: nuy12@psu.edu
Webpage: sites.psu.edu/nyamamoto
Instructor: AMD/AERSP 575 Aerospace Materials
Research Interests: multi-functional materials, hierarchical structuring, manufacturing process design

Hui Yang
Email: huiyang@psu.edu
Webpage: csmmclab.github.io
Instructor: AMD 597 Statistical Methods for Additive Manufacturing
Research Interests: sensing systems, data analytics, and artificial intelligence; network science, nonlinear dynamics, and chaos; computer simulation, system dynamics, and optimization; quality engineering and applied statistics; smart manufacturing and industry 4.0

Richard Yetter
Email: ray8@psu.edu
Webpage: mne.psu.edu/ccl
Research Interests: combustion, energetic materials, propulsion, nanotechnology

Michael Yukish
Associate Professor
Email: may106@psu.edu
Webpage: arl.psu.edu
Research Interests: design for manufacturing, design optimization

Lauren Zarzar
Associate Professor
Email: ldz@psu.edu
Webpage: zarzarlab.com
Research Interests: laser writing, emulsions, active matter

Yue Zhang
Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management
Email: yue.zhang@psu.edu
Webpage: sites.google.com/site/yuezhangfuqua
Research Interests: global inventory planning and sourcing strategies, additive manufacturing and spare parts logistics, digital supply chain